General Terms and Conditions of Sale
1. Acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale regulate the commercial relations between Tea and Bubbles SARL and its customer who agrees to accept them without reservation or restriction. They apply to all sales made on the website and for the duration of their online publication by The customer acknowledges having read, before placing an order, the General Terms and Conditions of Sale set out on the site The acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale by the customer is confirmed by checking a box, with each order : "I accept the General Terms and Conditions of Sale". These General Conditions of Sale will prevail over all other conditions appearing in any other document, except prior, express and written agreement from the company Tea and Bubbles.
Unless proven otherwise, the data recorded by Tea and Bubbles constitutes proof of all transactions.
Changes to these General Terms and Conditions of Sale are binding by users of the site from the moment they are published online and cannot be applied to transactions concluded previously. The validation of the order by the Purchaser constitutes unreserved acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.
2. Products
Photographs, videos, diagrams or drawings of the products are only illustrations. We invite our customer to refer to the description of each product to know the precise characteristics. Our products and price offers are valid for the duration of their publication, unless otherwise specified on the product page. It is nevertheless specified that the simple fact of adding a product to the basket does not constitute validation of the order because the product may become unavailable between the time of adding to the basket and the validation of the order by the customer.
3. Liability of Tea and Bubbles declines all responsibility, civil or criminal, which could result from improper use of the products sold, or for damage for which the supplier of the offending product is liable. reserves the right to withdraw or modify any content published on its website for legal or technical reasons.
4. Placing an order
To order on our website, you must be of legal age and able to conclude contracts.
The ordering methods are as follows:
4.1 Account creation and management
In order to place an order on the site, it is first necessary to create an account, either before the order or during the order by clicking on "Create an account". Information followed by an asterisk is mandatory and is therefore necessary for processing the order of the customer who commits himself to provide truthful information.
4.2. Placing an order
In order to constitute his shopping basket, the customer chooses his products and the quantities and validates by clicking on the button "Add to basket". On the "Your Cart" screen, the customer can, at any time, delete a product, modify the quantities or exit to return to the store.
4.3. Confirming an order
In order to validate his/her order, the customer must click on the “Order” or “Add to basket” button. A summary of the order indicates the products chosen, the cost of delivery and the amount payable. The steps are then, successively, "Validation of the delivery address", "Validation of the shipping method” then "Validation of payment".
After having selected and validated the shipping method among those offered by our website, the cost of the delivery price is displayed.
After validation of his/her order by the bank payment service, the customer receives an order confirmation by email. Tea and Bubbles will inform the customer by email of any stock shortages that may affect the order.
Unless proven otherwise, the data recorded by Tea and Bubbles’ automatic recording systems establish the nature of the content and the date of the order. Tea and Bubbles reserves the right to ask the customer for a proof of identity to definitively confirm the delivery. This verification is not systematic. When it occurs, the customer is informed by email, within 72 hours (excluding Sundays and public holidays) of the order being confirmed. Tea and Bubbles reserves the right to cancel any order from a customer in the event of a breach by that customer of his contractual obligations under this order and/or the previous order.
4.4. Order payment
Le prix facturé au client est le prix indiqué sur la confirmation de commande adressée par Tea and Bubbles par courrier électronique. Le prix des produits est payable au comptant le jour de la commande si le client souhaite une prise en charge plus rapide de son panier. Le paiement s’effectue par carte bancaire via STRIPE. Chaque achat est confirmé par un reçu envoyé au client. La commande validée par le client ne sera considérée effective que lorsque les centres de paiement bancaire concernés auront donné leur accord. En cas de refus des dits centres, la commande sera automatiquement annulée et le client prévenu par courrier électronique. Le débit au compte est effectué au moment de la préparation de la commande du client. Vous pouvez contacter votre service clientèle à
a- Modifications after payment
Orders are firm and final for the Buyer as soon as they are registered on the website.
Any requests to modify the order (which can be notified by email to : can only be considered if the price does not change.
You must specify in the subject line of the email : the day and the order’s number.
Acceptance of your request can only result from an email expressly confirming this acceptance.
If a request to change an order is accepted, we are released from the delivery times initially announced.
In the event that these changes cannot be accepted, any payments are the subject of a credit or are returned within a maximum period of 30 days from the notification of the inability to accept the changes.
5. Costs and shipping method
5.1. General
Delivery will be made to the address you have indicated or to a pick-up point during the ordering process by La Poste services.
The delivery times will be respected as best as possible, but are set as a rough guide and cannot be guaranteed during certain periods of high activity, such as holidays or sales.
Any exceeding of the delivery deadlines cannot give rise to the payment by Tea and Bubbles SARL to the customer concerned, of penalties, damages and interest or indemnities.
"Colissimo" (2 to 4 days from the delivery of your product package to La Poste), delivery is made by La Poste.
If the information given by the buyer when making the order is not in conformity or/and not correct : the seller cannot be held responsible for the non-delivery of the products ordered and cannot claim a full refund of his order, delivery being made on behalf of the customer. The customer will be responsible for paying any additional costs if he wishes his package returned. In the event of a refund, the amount will be deducted from the shipping costs when it is returned to our premises.
Orders not collected by the customer at a relay point or at La Poste may be returned only at the customer's exclusive expense after calculation of costs.
In this case, if there is a request for a refund from the customer, the shipping costs inherent in sending the order will be deducted.
5.2. Issues on delivery
It is the customer's responsibility to check their package on arrival.
You must notify the carrier and our service ( of any issues about the delivered product (for example : damaged package, already opened, etc…).
We will initiate the necessary processes provided for in these cases.
6. Withdrawal - Exchange - Refund
En application des dispositions de l’article L.121-20-2 du Code de la consommation, le droit de rétractation ne peut être exercé pour les contrats portant sur la fourniture de biens qui, du fait de leur nature, sont susceptibles de se détériorer ou de se périmer rapidement ou ne peuvent être réexpédiés. De même, il ne s’applique pas lors de la fourniture de biens nettement personnalisés. Pour les autres produits ou services, et conformément aux dispositions de l’article L.121-16 du Code de la consommation, le client dispose, à compter de la livraison, d’un délai de 7 jours ouvrables pour retourner la commande de remboursement.
Lorsque le délai de sept jours expire un samedi, un dimanche ou un jour férié ou chômé, il est prorogé jusqu’au premier jour ouvrable suivant.
Tea and Bubbles ne procède pas aux échanges mais au remboursement hors frais de port, le consommateur doit prendre à sa charge les frais de renvoi des marchandises. Le produit devra impérativement être retourné dans son emballage d’origine, intact, accompagné de tous les accessoires éventuels, notices d’emploi et documentations, de son numéro de client et de son numéro de commande à l’adresse suivante. Les retours sont à effectuer à
Tea and Bubbles SARL - 16 rue des Clercs - 38000 GRENOBLE - FRANCE.
Items returned incomplete or with damaged packaging will be refused and will not be eligible for a refund.
L’exercice du droit de rétraction oblige le commerçant au remboursement des sommes versées par l’acheteur dans un délai de 30 jours.
7. Prices
The price indicated by the product page of each item does not include the contribution of the shipping costs, which is indicated in the summary of "Your Basket". In this one and in the order confirmation, the total price is the final price, expressed inclusive of all taxes and including VAT. This price includes the price of the items and the contribution of the shipping costs, which includes the costs of handling, packaging and storage of the products, the costs of transport and delivery.
8. Dispute
This agreement is subject to French law. The language of this contract is French. In the event of a dispute, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction.
In the event of difficulties in the application of this contract, the buyer has the possibility, before any legal action, to seek an amicable solution, for example with the help of :
- a professional association in the industry
- a consumer association
- or any other advice of his choice
Complaints or disputes will always be received with attentive care, good faith being always presumed with those who take time to explain their situation.
9. Legal warranty
The seller is liable for defects in the conformity of the goods with the contract and for crippling defects under the conditions provided for in articles 1641 to 1649 of the Civil Code and articles L211-4 et seq. of the Consumer Law.
10. Legal informations
Tea and Bubbles one-person SARL
RCS GRENOBLE 790 988 281
With a capital of 6,000 €
Headquarters : 16 Rue des Clercs - 38000 Grenoble - France
VAT number: FR 20 790 988 281 00016
Website hosting :
63-65 boulevard Masséna
75013 Paris
The contractual information is presented in French. Non-emancipated minors do not have the capacity to contract and therefore to order on our website. All the elements of this website (texts, photographs, illustrations, brands, logo, icons, etc...) are the exclusive property of the company Tea and Bubbles SARL. These elements are protected by French laws and international texts relating to respect copyright, trademarks, etc... The upload of this website does not imply a license to use the elements appearing therein, such use being subject to the prior and express written consent of the owner of these elements. Any reproduction or representation, even partial, by any means whatsoever, made without the prior and express written consent of the company Tea and Bubbles is prohibited and illegal. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may engage the civil and criminal liability of the counterfeiter. Any use of the elements of this website for purposes other than consultation, in particular for public, commercial or humorous purposes, may be the subject of legal proceedings in France and abroad.
11. Privacy
Le renseignement des informations à caractère personnel collectées aux fins de la vente à distance est obligatoire, ces informations étant indispensables pour le traitement et l’acheminement des commandes, l’établissement des factures et des contrats de garantie.
Le défaut de renseignement entraîne la non validation de la commande.
Conformément à la loi « Informatique et Libertés », le traitement des informations à caractères personnel relatives aux clients a fait l’objet d’une déclaration auprès de la Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) sous le numéro 1478659. Le client dispose (article 34 de la loi du 6 janvier 1978) d’un droit d’accès, de modification, de rectification et de suppression des données qui le concernent, qu’il peut exercer auprès de Tea and Bubbles SARL à l’adresse suivante :
Tea and Bubbles SARL
Service client
16 rue des Clercs – 38000 GRENOBLE
Le Client doit adresser sa demande signée et accompagnée d’une photocopie d’un titre d’identité portant sa signature. Il doit également indiquer l’adresse à laquelle la réponse doit lui parvenir. Le client peut, également, modifier à tout moment ses coordonnées directement sur
Corporate name
SARL unipersonnelle
RCS GRENOBLE 790 988 281
Au Capital de 6 000 €
Siège social : 16 Rue des Clercs – 38000 GRENOBLE
N° TVA : FR 20 790 988 281 00016